Friday, January 17, 2014

Paid to Write: Scripted

Hey, hey, hey writers!
I've got another paid to write website for you today. Hold onto your breeches!
Scripted is looking for writers experienced in topics from photography to business. You don't need writing experience, although it is a plus, but you will need experience in the topic for which you're applying. For example, if you're applying to the "photography" specialty, you'll need to submit three original photos that you've taken, along with a tagline for why you believe you're qualified. The other specialties typically require a 200-300 word writing sample to demonstrate your expertise on the subject.

What should I know before writing for Scripted?

Well, you won't receive author's credit for your work. In other words, you'll be a ghostwriter for Scripted's many clients who purchase work through the website. Once the article is submitted to the author, you receive feedback, you're paid, and that's that. Your name will not be on the article, and chances are, the buyer will pass the work off as his or her own.

How can I write for Scripted?

Go ahead and sign up for Scripted as a writer. After signing up, you'll be able to fill out your profile and apply for certain specialties (i.e., photography, business, lifestyle, etc.). Once your application is reviewed, it will be either approved or rejected. If it is approved, you'll be assigned a rating for that specialty. This rating determines how quickly you'll be able to acquire new work. If your application is denied, you will not be able to apply for that specialty again, although you can still apply for other specialties. You'll also need to fill out a W-9 form so that you can be paid.

How does the rating system work?

For each specialty in which you're approved, you will be given a rating based on the writing samples (or in the case of photography, your photo samples) submitted with your application. As mentioned above, this rating affects how quickly (or slowly) you'll be able to acquire new work. Basically, writers with higher ratings will be able to acquire work more quickly than writers with lower ratings. This ensures that clients are receiving most articles from the "best" writers.
Don't get discouraged if you have a low rating. You can increase your rating by submitting work 24 hours or more before a deadline, and by receiving positive feedback from clients. On the other hand, however, your rating can also go down, simply by failing to turn in work on time, or not at all, and by receiving negative feedback.


How much does Scripted pay?

The pay depends on the assignment, the specialty, and the client. I've seen articles ranging from around $10 to $25. These are typically 500 word articles, sometimes more.


How much can I earn with Scripted?

Again, that depends. Many factors come into play here. How many specialties are you writing for? Will your rating affect how often you can claim assignments? How knowledgeable are you on your topic?
For example, if you're writing for 3 different specialties and have a high rating in all of them, are highly knowledgeable about every specialty in which you're writing, and intend to write 7 days a week, then you can expect to make a pretty lucrative income. However, if you are writing for a single specialty, have a low rating, aren't very knowledgeable about the topic, and write only a few days a week, chances are you'll be spending most of your time researching and your income will be low.
It all depends.
Are you a writer for Scripted? What are your thoughts?
NOTE: I am currently a writer for Scripted.

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  1. Hi, Emily! It's Courtney from The Brown Girl with Long Hair blog! How do you like writing for Scripted? I'm thinking of giving it a try...

    This is an *awesome* site with a bevy of information; you know so much. You're like The Writing Whisperer. lol

    Enjoy your weekend. :-)

    1. Hi, Courtney!

      Scripted is like a breath of fresh air. Many times, writers have to go through long, drawn out processes before they're able to start writing, but that's not the case with Scripted. Everything is generally pretty straight-forward and easy to understand. Give it a shot!

      Thank you for the compliment, and more importantly, thank you for stopping by!



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