Saturday, July 19, 2014

Spanish for Kids: Speekee Review and Giveaway

My son, Carter, is a fast learner with a brilliant mind. Since the age of 3, he's known his primary colors and the numbers one through ten in Spanish. Needless to say, he takes a keen interest in foreign language. Recently, I was able to check out a new online Spanish-learning program for kids, called Speekee.

* Product and/or service provided for review without cost. Read Disclosure.

Speekee is a fully-online Spanish language learning program, recommended for children between the ages of 2 and 11 years old. The program utilizes videos, games, hands-on activities, printable worksheets, flash cards, and a plethora of other tools to help children learn to speak and write Spanish.

Signing Up and Subscriptions on Speekee

The sign-up process on Speekee was a breeze. There was a little door to click on, and then an option to sign up. All of the basic information was required, such as a desired username for your child, as well as my email address. I then activated the account, which is as easy as a click of the mouse.

Speekee offers a free membership, although the free membership is very limited. There are only a few available videos, and the limited memberships have no access to the Speekee Fast Track program, a structured learning plan to help optimize the Spanish-learning experience.

However, there are several subscription plans available that allow you full-access of the program. The prices for the subscriptions are as follows (and are accurate as of July 2014):

  • 1 Month - $7.50 per month
  • 6 Months - $5.99 per month
  • 1 Year - $4.49 per month

You'll also have the chance to win a 3-month subscription to Speekee, over a $22 value (giveaway at the end of this post)! Contest also listed on Contest Heat!

Exploring Speekee

I explored Speekee with Carter, who is now 7-years-old. Our first impression of Speekee was that it was colorful and aesthetically pleasing. It looked interesting and exciting, and this piqued my son's interest.

As I explored a bit more, my opinion was that the website was a bit difficult to navigate. Everything is labeled in Spanish, so going in with only basic knowledge was challenging. It was also hard to see where the videos were, as they are nestled along the right side in a window that slides out when you click on it. I also had some difficulty finding the Fast Track program, which was located near the bottom of the screen. I didn't even see the map, but luckily, my son is more technologically inclined than I.

When I let Carter take the reigns, he figured out quite a bit more than I had. He located the map with ease, and found that he could use it to travel to different areas. He found that you can "walk" with the arrow keys, and that the stars found throughout the "world" are questions that earn you points, when answered correctly. Carter even made the High Score Board on July 17th and the second high scorer of the day on the 18th! That really got him going!

Although Speekee was a bit difficult to navigate at first (for me), the more I watched Carter play and figure things out, the more I understood. I'd also like to add that Speekee is constantly improving. It's nice to know that they take constructive criticism seriously, and are able to put it to good use.

Speekee is a Comprehensive Program

What I found to be the most comprehensive were the videos. While they're completely in Spanish, you can gather what they're saying based on their body language, hand gestures, as well as the pictures and images that are shared. Many of the phrases are repeated, which also allows your child to hear something again, if he or she missed it the first time around. This is also great for retaining knowledge.

Besides the videos and games, Speekee has a Fast Track program, a weekly program, that utilizes not only the videos and games, but also worksheets, flash cards, and hands-on activities. This is an excellent way to help what your child has learned stay fresh in his or her mind. Carter seemed to pick up more when we started the Fast Track program as opposed to only watching the videos. He also liked that the worksheets allowed him to draw a picture of the Spanish word he was writing.

His favorite part of the program overall were the "missions," found by clicking on the bell icon next to the map. Here, he completed various tasks, from watching video clips to visiting places on the map, and then answered questions. Once he completed all of the tasks, he earned a reward. The reward was then transported to his room, where he used it to decorate. Check out his room so far!

What We've Learned with Speekee

I encourage Carter to use Speekee for at least 30 minutes a day, at least 3 times per week. We also utilized the Fast Track program. Carter was able to work at a comfortable pace, and it was clear that he was taking things in fairly well.

He has learned more conversational Spanish, including an informal way to ask how someone is doing (¿Què tal?), as well as some basic words, such as "el parque," which means "park." He wrote "el parque" as well, on one of his worksheets, and drew a picture to go along with it. He has a great time clicking on random objects throughout the Speekee world and telling me the way to say the words in Spanish.

Carter seems to enjoy Speekee, and he's gotten the hang of it quite a bit since his first day checking it out. I'm fairly certain that over the next few months, he'll gain more knowledge of the Spanish language, and have new Spanish words to share with me.

Bottom Line

Overall, I believe that Speekee is a program that you have to fully immerse your child in on a regular basis, if you intend to get the most out of it. If you're watching one video per day every week, it's highly unlikely that your child will learn as much as the program aims to teach. I would recommend at least 30 minutes per day, three times a week, no less, for brilliant minds, and a little more for average learners. If your child has difficulty with the program, take it up a notch and help them understand by getting involved with them.

If you're interested in Speekee, enter to win a three-month subscription to the program below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. Dear Emily,

    This is Jim Porter of writing to thank you for a brilliantly put together review, the like of which I rarely see. So much thought has gone into this. I shall be taking your review into a company meeting today, making sure my team and I go through all your comments with a fine toothcomb. On a personal note, I am delighted that Carter has, with your help, taken the time to get to know how the program works - and therefore begin to make steady progress with his Spanish. Learning Spanish is of course what this is all about, so today I will be seeking ways in which we can make this comprehensive program more user friendly. Then not only brilliant minds like Carter will get the best of it.

    Many thanks,


    1. Jim,

      Thank you for your kind words. I'm happy to have been able to review Speekee, and Carter continues to enjoy it. We look forward to implementing Speekee into our homeschooling routine starting in August.

      Thanks again!

  2. Oh that would be a fun thing to learn but if the website is hard to navigate, it would be hard. They should have an English version at least for the tabs or links so it would be easy to find the videos or whatever you are looking for.

    1. At first, I thought the same thing, but then I realized that the program is designed so that the child fully immerses himself (and begins to think) in the Spanish language, without having to translate. I guess for a child with a young mind, it's easy to do. For a scatter-brained adult like me, not so much! Lol.

  3. I am definitely going to be looking into this program! My daughter will be entering kindergarten this fall and will begin to take basics in Spanish, I think that this program will help her to be a bit ahead of the game! Thanks for sharing!

    1. That's awesome that your kindergartner will be learning the basics in Spanish! Speekee could be a great fit! You could always try out the free version to see how you like it. :)

  4. I think this is the same program one of my homeschooling friends uses. It sounds great! From my experience learning spanish in college, I definitely agree that the more you immerse yourself in it the better off you are.

    1. I wish I had taken Spanish classes years ago. The only Spanish I know is what my son has taught me (LOL) and a few basic phrases that my husband has taught me. I have a hard time retaining information. I think I'm going to have to start taking the Speekee challenge myself! That is, if my son will let me have some time on there. Lol.

  5. With Spanish being such a common language to know, I really think this is great! This gives kids a chance to learn in a fun way, before it's a language option in school. I almost wish I had this when I was younger! LOL

    1. I agree! I would have loved to have had something like this when I was a kid!

  6. This really looks so cool! I know zero Spanish so I can prob use it too lol

  7. This is awesome! We are currently reviewing it as well & I love that there are printables to go with it. Awesome review :D

    1. I hope that you're getting a lot out of the program! It's a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. Thanks for your kind words. :)

  8. This looks like a cool app! I will have to check it out! I want to learn a new language

    1. Yes, definitely check it out! The little ones seem to love it!

  9. Wow! I took three years of Spanish while I was in school, I still remember some of it, I wish we would of had a program like this. I have to say, it can be confusing when you are speaking in both English AND Spanish... It is easier to be fully immersed in one of the other. We watched all of our videos with Spanish as the language with English subtitles, and I have to say, I didn't learn much because I was always reading the english and not paying attention to the spoken word.

    1. I agree! The immersion method tends to work so much better than constantly having to translate into your native language. Constantly having to look back and forth can be distracting!

  10. What a brilliant program for little ones. My daughter is always enthusiastic to learn something new and much like yours is a fast learner. We have been discussing introducing her to Spanish and this may be the best route to take. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I hope you check it out, and more than that, I hope that it's right for you and your daughter. :)

  11. This seems like a really neat program for kids. In high school i took spanish but barely passed. Wish i would have had something like this to help.

    1. I know what you mean. Most of what I've learned wasn't retained at all. This kind of program when I was a kid would have really helped give me a head start!

  12. I would like to look into this for my grandon..being of latin decent myself ..sadly Im not good at spanish speaking .i would like to learn more as well

    1. If you happen to get the Speekee program, you could get involved with your grandson while he learns. It's always better to learn with a friend/family member anyway! :D

  13. I read one time that it's easier for young kids to learn foreign languages than older kids and adults. Start 'em young!

  14. My dad was just mentioning the other day that my daughter really should start learning another language. She's 5, so it would probably be a lot easier for her to pick up now rather than later.

  15. I love the graphics-makes it look like fun to learn! Of course, anything that looks like a game my kids will like too!

  16. My daughter really wants to learn Spanish which I think is a fantastic idea. I would love to learn along with her! I like how Speekee looks kind of like a game instead of a learning site.

  17. I love the fact that the program is eye-pleasing to children. I would love to start my children on a second language early on. I took 4 years of Spanish in high school but I only remember bits and pieces of it. I think this would be a learning experience for both of us. Thank you!

  18. I love how the site looks. It seems like it would be a helpful way to learn spanish for the little ones. Especially liked the front page with the ferris wheel.

  19. What i like about the program is the animation of it, children would love accessing it because of the characters on it.


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