Thursday, May 3, 2018

John Frieda Precision Foam Color Review (3N Deep Brown Black)

Last summer, I had this bright idea to dye my virgin hair and add honey highlights using an at-home kit. I wanted a change, and I wanted it so badly that I was willing to sacrifice my once natural brown hair in exchange for what I assumed would be a "better me."

I laugh now that I think about it. My expectations were not met by any means, and I was thoroughly disappointed at the results. I mean, I spent three hours getting my hair through those little tiny holes in that freaking shower cap and ended up with terrible results. Meh.

Needless to say, it wasn't a very bright idea. I went from having long, beautiful, natural, dark brown hair...

To having a head full of copper...

To be honest, this picture doesn't even show how bad it really was. I hated it. It was red in the sunlight and the color of a dirty penny in artificial light. I tried to work with it though. I figured that it would lighten up a bit as I washed it, but that obviously didn't work out.

Finally, I grew tired of it. I wanted my natural dark hair back.

* Product purchased by me for review purposes.

Enter John Frieda Precision Foam Color 3N Deep Brown-Black. A lifesaver.

I picked up two boxes of this from Walmart for $8 a piece (you can get John Frieda Precision Foam Colour, Deep Brown Black 3N much cheaper on Amazon). Being that my hair goes past my shoulder blades, I figured I needed an extra one, just in case (I was right). So, that's $16 for an at-home dye job.

What's different about John Frieda Precision Foam is just that--it's a foam. I had never used a foam hair color before, so it was new to me. I didn't really know what to expect. Luckily, it was simple enough. It's pretty much the same as any hair color. Pour bottle A into bottle B and shake. The nozzle is what was different.

I found that it was a little messy, and I didn't expect that. The way the foam comes out just didn't work very well for me (and for the record, I am very clumsy). I ended up staining the wall behind my sink, but since we needed to paint the bathroom anyway, I didn't really care too much.

Anyway, two boxes covered my entire head with about 1/3 of the bottle left. I left it in per the instructions (to cover grays...I won't blame my premature graying on anyone...but I never noticed them until I had kids...). Rinsed. Used the conditioner. Styled my hair. You know, the usual.

And finally, the big reveal...

No more copper! You have no idea how amazing I felt when I looked in the mirror. It isn't an exact match to my natural color, but it was pretty damn close. I was back in my element. My husband loved it. I felt like a brand new person!

Now, the color is absolutely lovely and the product is as easy to use as any other hair color, but one thing I did notice is that unfortunately, it doesn't last as long as other products I've used (Garnier Nutrisse Ultra Color). However, you can't find this exact shade from other brands, and since I love it so much, I'm perfectly fine with touching it up every few weeks.

What's your favorite brand of hair color?

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