Sunday, December 28, 2014

AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge: Final Results + Take the All-In Nationwide Challenge

On December 4, 2014, I took the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge.

Yesterday was the final day of the challenge and just so happened to be my 26th birthday. What better gift to give myself on my birthday than a jump start to a healthy lifestyle? That's exactly what AdvoCare has provided me with.

The 24-Day Challenge has been quite the journey, and a pleasant one if I do say so myself. I'm incredibly pleased with my results and I'm very excited to share them with you today!

* Product and/or service provided for review without cost. 

I'm also excited to share with you more information on how you can take the AdvoCare All-In Nationwide 24-Day Challenge (with extra goodies and the chance to win cash)!

24-Day Challenge Results

Day 1 and Day 24

The before photograph was taken closer to the camera, but you can rest assured that the difference is just as significant as it looks, when considering the inches lost.

I started the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge at 210 pounds. Below, you can check out my "Before" measurements.

Upper Arm: 13.5 inches
Upper Thigh: 27 inches
Bust: 47 inches
Waist: 44 inches
Hips: 47.5 inches

On the final day of the challenge, I weighed in at 202 pounds. My "After" measurements are below.

Upper Arm: 12.5 inches
Upper Thigh: 26 inches
Bust: 44 inches
Waist: 41 inches
Hips: 45.5 inches

Overall, I lost a total of 8 pounds and a combined total of 10 inches across my arms, thighs, bust, waist, and hips! The biggest difference I noticed was around my midsection. It looks as though I've lost way more than 8 pounds!

Needless to say, my skepticism has subsided. I am now a true believer in AdvoCare and their products. It should be noted, however, that I completed at least 30 minutes of cardio each day, with strength training at least twice per week.

If you're interested in jump starting your current weight loss plan, then jump right in and take the challenge. Right now, if you preorder the 24-Day Challenge before December 31, you can take part in the AdvoCare All-In Nationwide 24-Day Challenge and receive free goodies, too!

If you choose to participate in the challenge and preorder before December 31, 2014, you will receive the following extras:

  • Free expedited shipping
  • Free limited edition blender bottle and wristband
  • One-time free shipping on your next order of $250 or more in January 2015*
  • Clean eating meal plan
  • Virtual coaching
  • Facebook support page
As an added bonus, you have the chance to win a prize! For more details, talk to your AdvoCare Advisor. Click here if you do not currently have an advisor!

If you want to learn more about what the 24-Day Challenge consists of, read on about my experience.

The AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge consists of two phases: Cleanse Phase and Max Phase.

AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge Cleanse Phase

The Cleanse Phase, according to the 24-Day Challenge Daily Guide, "helps remove waste, preparing for optimal nutrient absorption.**

You may be thinking, Oh great, another "diet" where I have to spend hours on the toilet. Well, that is not the case at all with AdvoCare. The cleanse phase does not mean running back and forth to the bathroom. As a matter of fact, I didn't experience any stomach upset whatsoever during the cleanse phase.

You may also think, I bet the cleanse phase consists of fasting. Wrong again! The cleanse phase allows you to eat like you normally would, as long as your current eating habits are sensible. The supplements help to curb cravings, in case you have quite the sweet tooth (like I do)!

Breakfast for me, during the Cleanse Phase consisted of either a Meal Replacement Shake or the following:

  • Lean Protein
  • Complex Carb
  • Fruit

Lunch and dinner were similar, including lean protein (4-6 ounces), a complex carb, and vegetables. 

You'll also be drinking a fiber drink, and taking supplements and vitamins (along with any extra add-on products such as Catalyst, Carb-Ease, etc. that you choose).

The cleanse phase also allows room for three snacks per day: One between breakfast and lunch, a second between lunch and dinner, and a third after dinner before bedtime.

Daily exercise is recommended, so try to get in at least 30 minutes of cardio each day during the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge!

If you want to learn more about the Cleanse Phase, check out my Day 1 blog post.

AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge Max Phase

The Max Phase consists of the MNS strips, which include four individual packs of vitamins and supplements, with two or more in each packet. In the morning and the evening, I was also taking Catalyst, a companion product. At dinner, I was taking the OmegaPlex, which is included with the 24-Day Challenge.

There are a lot of caplets and gel capsules required during the Max Phase. For me, this wasn't a problem.

During the Max Phase, my energy levels skyrocketed and I felt as though I was able to get more done around the house. When I woke up in the mornings, I felt fantastic and really looked forward to the extra boost that the vitamins gave me.

Meal Replacement Shakes

The Max Phase requires a meal replacement shake every morning in place of breakfast. If you're looking to take the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge, I totally recommend the Chocolate Mocha Meal Replacement Shakes. They are absolutely delicious (and this is coming from a non-coffee drinker).

To find out more details about the Max Phase, check out my AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge post on Day 16!

If you haven't been following, you can go back through and check out all of my updates.

AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge: Day 1
AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge: Day 3
AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge: Day 10
AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge: Day 16

Try AdvoCare Spark Energy Drink!

I've said this before, but I'd like to reiterate it for a moment. Even if you don't want to take the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge, you should at least consider giving Spark a chance, especially if you're used to drinking energy drinks on a regular basis. When I drank energy drinks, I always experienced the "crash" by midday. This would, in turn, lead me to drink another energy drink. By the end of the night, I'd be hit with a second "crash," and I'd wake up feeling like total crap the next day, and the cycle would continue. With Spark, I have not experienced any of the "side effects" that come with drinking energy drinks!

Final Thoughts on AdvoCare's 24-Day Challenge

The AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge requires a desire to take charge of your health. If you're not going to put in the work required and follow the program as closely as possible, then you will reduce your chances of seeing a significant change in your body. Weight loss and living a healthy lifestyle take hard work and determination. There may be slip-ups, but as long as you hold yourself accountable and continue to work harder the next day, your results will be impressive.

After taking the 24-Day Challenge, I've proved to myself that AdvoCare actually works. The products are certainly something to look into to try for yourself.

The results speak volumes!

** Any statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. AdvoCare products are not designed to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.

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