Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Get Your Feet Spring Ready with the PediSoft Callus Remover + Giveaway

Ladies, spring is right around the corner which means that beautiful, soft feet are back in style, and absolutely necessary if you want to slip into those gorgeous new sandals you've been eyeballing all winter. With the dry winter air and many of us feeling the winter blues, chances are, your feet have suffered. Fortunately, you can "get back on your feet" and get those toes back in tip-top shape in only a few minutes.

Want to know how?

* Product and/or service provided for review without cost. As always, all opinions are my own.

The PediSoft Callus Remover is an electric callus remover that is rechargeable, which means you don't have to spend money on battery after battery to get the most out of your foot care.

The kit comes with everything you see below, including the handheld callus remover itself, an extra attachment, a small brush to remove any dead skin cells, a charger, and a user manual.

My PediSoft Callus Remover is pink, which is so cute. I love it!

Below, you'll see the head of the callus remover which shows the rough surface designed to remove dead skin cells and calluses. Once you use the product, you'll reveal the beautiful, soft, healthy skin underneath, which I'm sure are more than ready for spring footwear!

Who knew that something to remove such ugly calluses could be super cute? I love that the callus remover fits comfortably into the palm of my head to remove that unwanted, rough skin.

PediSoft is pretty well-known, and they're well known for a reason (as you'll see based on my results after using the PediSoft Callus Remover).

Below, you'll see what the heel of my foot looked like before using the PediSoft Callus Remover.

Pretty gross, huh? Take note of the yellow-ish, hard skin near the bottom. That, my lady friends, is a callus—definitely not beach ready. You can also see the dryness in my skin by looking at the white areas.

After using the PediSoft Callus Remover, I noticed a HUGE improvement in not only the feel of my feet, but also the appearance. Don't believe me? See for yourself.

If that's not absolutely amazing, then I don't know what is! You should see the amount of dead skin that was removed from my feet. It's pretty gross, but it's also quite fascinating to see how well the callus remover works.

I am incredibly excited about the PediSoft Callus Remover and even more excited to announce that you now have the chance to win one for yourself! One winner will be selected.

Use the entry-form below to sign up for your chance to win.

Giveaway begins 3/4/2015 at midnight.
Giveaway ends 3/14 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Open to United States residents ONLY.
18 +, No P.O. Boxes. Void where prohibited.
Please read full terms prior to entering.

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  1. I just apply lotion. Sometimes I use a foot scrub.

  2. I don't have a new routine other than changing my nail polish more often for sandal weather.
    Nicole Carter (Weasley)

  3. I soak my feet a couple of times a week.
    Yes I put lotion on my feet after a bath or shower.
    I do not have a callus remover.
    thank you

  4. I have tried everything (almost) to get rid of the calluses on my feet. Yes, I use lotion on them multiple times a day.

  5. I moisturize my feet after every shower and sometimes in between.

  6. I break out the pumice stone, rub like crazy and slather lotion on. This device sounds amazing.

  7. i dont do anything to my feet thats why i am hoping to win this

  8. I put lotion on my feet after I shower and sometimes I'll put on a ton of lotion and sleep in socks to really help with the dryness.

  9. I have pedicures about once a month starting with sandal weather. Between times, I use lots of lotion. Lots.

  10. I sometimes use a Ped Egg, and Gold Bond foot cream.

  11. I soak my feet, use a pumice stone and finish with lotion. I always wear cute nail polish, nail decals and toe rings. My feet gotta look good!

  12. I do put on lotion and I have used a pumice stone to remove dry skin in the past but I don't take care of my feet the way I should!

  13. Yes I always put lotion on my feet.I don't have a callus remover.

  14. I just use a lotion when they get dry. The winter has really taken a toll on my heels, and they are so dry and cracking. I have never used a callus remover, but I think it would really help my feet.

  15. I use lotion on my feet year round.

  16. I use lotions and also a pumice stone.

  17. Lotion and I have a Pedia Egg but I have seen this in the stores and I'm very interested in trying it out!

  18. I use a pumice stone mainly, sometimes I use sand. I do use lotion every once in awhile.

  19. I do a weekly foot soak and take care of it all at once.

  20. I soak my feet in warm water and a foot soak. Then I use a pumice, after I slather my feet in lotion and put on special socks that soften your skin while you sleep.

  21. I use Vaseline on my feet at night before bed and wear socks so my feet don't get dry and stay soft,during the day I use lotion.

  22. I have to lotion my feet after showing.I'm very excited to try something new.thanks for sharing.

  23. I should do more, but I usually stick with putting lotion on my feet and occasionally a pumice stone.

  24. Yes! I go into a frenzy when it's time to get out of my socks and into my flip flops! I soak, moisturize and use a pumice stone etc.

  25. I always put lotion on my feet after taking a bath or shower to keep them soft. I use a pumice stone at least once a week.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  26. I soak my feet in Epsom salt,then use a pumice to remove dead skin and apply a good moisturizer.I then use a foot powder. to soak up any wetness.

  27. I soak my feet and usually use a pumice stone.

    traytray2313 at yahoo dot com

  28. My typical Spring/Summer foot care routine is soaking my feet in soapy water, scraping off the callouses with a pumice stone and then putting a thick lotion and socks on my feet.


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