Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Fight The Dry Air: Benefits of Cool Mist Humidifiers for Babies

Despite this past winter being frigidly cold with a great deal of precipitation, my children spent most of the cold months pretty healthy. I thought that, health wise, we were in the free and clear once spring rolled around. Apparently, that wasn't the case at all. Over the past several weeks, we've been battling a virus in our home—one that doesn't seem to want to let up very easily.

Fever, body aches, sore throat, congestion, and coughing are only some of the symptoms we've been experiencing. Coughing has been the most severe symptom of all.

Because my daughter is only two—a toddler in the eyes of the world, but still my baby—I worry a great deal about her when she is ill. While our son, who is 7-years-old, was relatively fine during his illness, our daughter was having difficulties sleeping at night due to a sore throat and cough. Naturally, we broke out our trusty cool mist humidifier.

* This is a sponsored post, for which I was compensated. All opinions stated herein are my own.

I highly recommend cool mist humidifiers for babies, children, and adults, but I can't recommend them enough for those who have babies. Even the Center for Disease Control recommends cool mist humidifiers when feeling under the weather.

Cool mist humidifiers disperse small water droplets into the air without heat (which is safer if you have little hands near by) to relieve itchy throat, coughing, and other side effects associated with an upper respiratory infection, allergies, or sinusitis.

Why should you have a cool mist humidifier for your baby? Well, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center, "In general, a moist house is more comfortable than a dry one."

When your babies are sick, it hurts you too.
Ever since I became a mother, the cool mist humidifier has been my go to product when my babies are feeling sick or uncomfortable. There is nothing worse than watching your children suffer through a cough, cold, or other illness. Cool mist humidifiers help relieve those symptoms and allow your baby (and you) some much needed rest.

Some of the other benefits of cool mist humidifiers for babies are outlined below:

  • Relieve Dry, Itchy Throat
  • Relieve Sore Throat
  • Add Moisture to Dry Mucous Membranes
  • Add Moisture to Skin

There are a few things to consider before you purchase a cool mist humidifier for babies and children. We all want the best cool mist humidifier for our babies, so it's wise to know what to look for before shelling out the cash.

Size - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia recommends picking a humidifier based on room size. A large unit is perfect for adding moisture throughout the home—but may provide too much moisture if placed in a smaller room, such as a nursery. Too much moisture encourages mold growth.

On the other hand, smaller units won't provide enough moisture to the entire house. They're better for smaller rooms. You can read the packaging to determine what size room is recommended. You may also purchase several small units to place in each room of your home.

Easy Cleaning - While cool mist humidifiers do not run the risk of burning your baby like heat-powered humidifiers, there are other issues that you'll need to consider. If not cleaned properly and often, cool mist humidifiers can become breeding grounds for bacteria and mold, which may then be dispersed into the air when in operation. This is why it is incredibly important to clean your cool mist humidifier often and to replace the water in the tank daily.

A cool mist humidifier that is easy to clean is ideal. Ours has several parts, but is incredibly easy to clean with a small wash cloth and mild detergent.

Aesthetics - While most people don't care what their cool mist humidifiers look like, as long as they serve their purpose, some people do. If your humidifier will be out in the open where guests can see it, you may want to consider a more visually appealing option.

If you are placing a cool mist humidifier in your baby's bedroom, you can also opt for one that has a night light. These can be soothing to babies and young children.

When dry air strikes, take control by getting a cool mist humidifier that works for you and your baby.

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