Tuesday, June 30, 2015

History and Uses of Cinnamon Bark Oil + Scential Health Review

Cinnamon, to me, has always been a fragrance that brings about feelings of warmth, comfort, and love. It is a scent that makes me think of family gatherings, particularly those during the cooler months of the year. Perhaps I make this association because cinnamon is used in some of my favorite fall and winter dessert recipes.

* Product and/or service provided for review without cost. As always, all opinions are my own.

Recently, I received a vial of Scential Health Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil to review. I decided to do a little digging to find out more about the oil, and what I discovered was rather interesting. For one, did you know that cinnamon is not really a "wintry" fragrance at all? In fact, Cinnamomum zeylanicum originated in tropical climates.

Read on to find out more.

History of Cinnamon

The cinnamon plant—a shrub—is grown in almost every tropical region of the world. The herb has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years and has been used to treat a variety of disorders from diarrhea to arthritis and from yeast infections to the flu.

Perhaps even more surprising is that Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil is not a popular oil. Why? Well, it comes down to the sheer potency of the oil itself. Because the oil is so strong in it's purest form, it may cause allergic reactions and/or irritation. As a result, many people prefer using the cinnamon bark directly, as opposed to extracting the oil from the plant. Cinnamon Bark Oil is considered a "hot" oil, which may cause sensations of heat and/or burning when ingested or applied to the skin undiluted.

This does not mean that Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil is useless, however. In fact, it still has numerous uses, many of which are outlined below.

Uses of Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil

Cinnamon itself has long been known to have antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and astringent properties, which is why the bark itself has been used for centuries. However, the actual oil seems to serve its purpose as an aromatherapy oil, but not much else, due to its high potency.


Because of its potency, Cinnamon Bark Oil is often used in cooking as a flavoring agent. Be sure, however, that the Cinnamon Oil that you're using is approved for use in foods.

Air Freshener

The strong, rich scent of Cinnamon Oil makes it an ideal oil for freshening the air in your home. To use Cinnamon Bark Oil, create a blend using other oils, such as rosemary, and add to a diffuser and allow the warm fragrance to fill your home.

Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil may also be used in potpourris or in candle making.

Bug Repellent

According to studies, Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil is an excellent bug repellent, particularly for ants and mosquitoes. Apply a diluted drop or two around problem areas to keep the bugs at bay.

What To Avoid

Because Cinnamon Bark Oil is so strong, it should not be consumed internally by itself. It may also have adverse effects when applied undiluted to the skin. Before using cinnamon bark essential oil, dilute it with a carrier oil and test a small area of skin for irritation. Do not use on the face or other sensitive areas.

Scential Health Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil Review

For $7.95 (at the current time of this post—list price is $12.95), you will receive a 15mL (.5 oz) amber vial of Scential Health Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil. This oil contains no fillers, bases, additives, or carrier oils and is 100% Therapeutic Grade.

Scential Health uses two extraction methods for their essential oils. According to the Scential Health website:

Scential Health oils are harvested and then steam distilled or cold pressed from the most pristine fields, orchards, and gardens around the world.

To learn more about Scential Health and their extraction methods, visit their website.

Upon opening the vial of Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil, I noticed just how strong it is. It is a sweet and spicy scent—very much like that of ground cinnamon, although far more potent. I can easily see why Cinnamon Bark Oil is used in cooking in small amounts.

At first, I wasn't sure how to use the Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil, as it is the beginning of summer and I prefer "cooler" citrus fragrances around this time. When I discovered we had an ant problem (the little buggers keep entering our home), I knew just what to use it for.

I added a few drops of the Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil outside around the foundation of my house. Within two days, I noticed less ants in our home. Needless to say, the oil works wonders as a pest repellent.

Overall Opinion

Overall, I really like this oil and can see myself using it in various blends as a pest repellent and undiluted in potpourri and air fresheners during the cooler months.

To purchase Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil, head on over to Amazon!

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