Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Delicious Meals with Perfectly Minced Garlic Every Time

I'm one of those people who love garlic. Clearly, I am not a vampire. One thing I don't particularly care for, however, is having to mince garlic myself. Sometimes, I'll use a food processor, but I find that it is a bit too much work for four cloves of garlic. Because of this, I usually use a knife and just mince the garlic manually.

Unfortunately, this approach leaves my hands feeling sticky, and even after washing, the garlic odor still lingers. Of course, I have nothing against the scent of garlic, but I don't necessarily want to go around all day smelling like I'm trying to repel vampires.

Fortunately for me, and all of you other cooks, chefs, and lovers of cooking out there, they make this handy little tool called a garlic press. I'm surprised I hadn't come across one of these bad boys sooner.

* Product and/or service provided for review without cost. As always, all opinions are my own.

The Kukpo Deluxe Garlic Press is made of Grade A, FDA-Approved 18/10 Stainless Steel. The garlic press certainly has some weight to it, but it does feel a little flimsy when opening and closing. Despite this, it performed it's job rather well, and stayed in one piece.

It features a small chamber where you place the garlic (you can add several cloves at a time) and then press using the handle.

Then, out comes perfectly minced garlic through these tiny little holes.

You can even leave the skin on and extract the skin prior to adding your garlic to your dishes!

I love that the garlic press prevents me from smelling like garlic all day and allows me to avoid having to get my hands sticky from peeling the cloves. What's really cool about the garlic press is that it can also be used to crush ginger.

Overall, the garlic press is a handy tool. It saves time, doesn't dirty up as many dishes when compared to using a food processor, and is super easy to use. It allows you to create tasty meals (like this rice medley with chicken, garlic, and fresh herbs) in less time.

My only complaint was that it was somewhat difficult to clean. It is dishwasher safe, but because I do not have a dishwasher (I am the dishwasher), I have to wash it by hand. Getting in the little cracks and crevices proved difficult. Next time, I'll be sure to rinse it immediately after using to make it easier to clean.

For only $15.97 (on sale, as of 8/12/2015), you can get your very own garlic press on Amazon

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