Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Must-Have Book for Hairstylists - "50 Hairstylists"

Are you an aspiring hairstylist? Perhaps you're a seasoned hairstylists looking for more information on how to advance your career. No matter what stage of your career you're in, you may want to consider reading "50 Hairstylists."

* This is a sponsored post, for which I was compensated. All opinions stated herein are my own.

"50 Hairstylists," written by Rick Morton, features a compilation of interviews from some of the most successful hairstylists, including celebrity stylists, international stylists, and more.

Rick Morton, who has been producing educational videos for the beauty industry for 30 years, saw a need for this information and decided to produce this book for aspiring and seasoned stylists alike. Those looking to break into the industry or become more successful are likely to benefit from the information included. The interviews cover everything from what you should and shouldn't do as a hairstylist, how to find a mentor, how to develop to clients, and even information that is not taught in school.

Learn more about how to advance your career as a hairstylist (this book would also make a great gift for your hairstylist, too!).

"50 Hairstylists" may be purchased online for $40.

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