Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fresh From The Garden: The Quick Guide On Growing Bumper Crops

If you like nothing better than to sample a salad with leaves cut fresh from your very own garden, then this post is for you. In fact, below, you will find some of the most effective tactics for growing your own veg at home. Just keep reading to find out what they are.


Tomatoes are, of course, one of the most popular crops to grow at home. In fact, you don't even have to grow them in your garden if you don't want, as some of the smaller varieties will do very well on a sunny windowsill inside the house.

However, there are some things that you need to get right when it comes to tomatoes if you want to grow a bumper crop. The first is the ph of the soil you grow them in. This is because tomatoes like a slightly acidic environment.

Happily, you can keep things that way by using a water tester from sites like to check the ph level of the water you use on them. In fact, what you are likely to find is that the water you use will be alkali and that means correcting this with an appropriate addictive before watering your plants will help you to produce the best quality bumper crops.

Cut and grow lettuces.

Another popular crop to grow is lettuce such as the varieties you will find at The benefit of these being that you can cut and then continue to grow, providing you with a large crop that lasts a long time. Sadly, what you may find is that while relatively simple to grow, there is quite a lot of things that can go wrong with this type of lettuce.

First of all, no sooner can you get the seeds in the ground, than the birds will come and help themselves, something that will definitely stop any growth. Of course, the simple solution here is to make sure that your crops are covered with bird net, even at the point after planting.

Additionally, these types of vegetables do much better in drained loosely packed soil. In fact, planting them in densely packed wet soil can actually encourage problem with a fungus infection which often wilt the plants in the seedling stage! To that end, be sure you are choosing an area with the right type of soil if you want the largest most viable crop possible.


Finally, if you want delicious minted pea soup and the best risotto, you will need to grow some pea plants. Of course, to do this successfully, you must find a sunny place in your garden. Although, you can also grow in tubs or pots on a deck or patio if you like. The soil needs to be just right as well, which means watered but not too damp, something that using a gadget like the one at can help you with. Also your peas will need as much nutrition you can provide. To that end, you will want to turn over the soil before planting and add some bought or homemade compost.

Finally, do not forget that pea plants need support to grow, and that means using bamboo canes. Although, you can choose to use wire netting instead if that will work for your garden better. Then you should be able to achieve a bumper crop of delicious veg with which to cook and eat, all from your very own garden.

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